Recently I came across a clip of Mike Tyson. It scared me.

In the video clip (youtube link) Mike tells a story, his voice raspy, barely audible, and he’s on the verge of tearing up, all while he’s staring directly into the soul of Sugar Ray Leonard. Here’s the transcript:

I’m a student of war.

I know all the warriors from Charlemagne to Achilles the number one warrior of all warriors. From there, Alexander, Napoleon I know them all. I read them all. I studied them all. I know the art of fighting, I know the art of war. That’s all I’ve ever studied.

That’s why I’m so feared. That’s why they feared me when I was in the ring because I was an annihilator. That’s what I was born for. And now those days are gone. It’s empty. I’m nothing. I’m working on being the art of humbleness, can you believe me.

That’s the reason I’m crying because I’m not that person no more…..and I miss him. Because sometimes I feel like a bitch. Because I don’t want that person to come out because if he comes out, hell is coming with him.

And that’s not funny, like hey I’m a tough guy. No, it’s just that. I’m scared of him.