Something this movie does very well is to subtly give our protagonist character change. Often, when we think of character change we think of these big sweeping changes. But it doesn’t have to be big to have an effect.

The first episode of Brooklyn 99 has always stuck with me for this reason. Jake, a goof-ball cop, refuses to follow the orders of a new captain to wear a tie. He’s more comfortable without. By the end of the episode, after learning it’s about the team and a uniform, he states he’s now a tie-guy. So simple, but we see him become a new person.

Novels have more time for a big change. Perhaps movies tend to fail in adoption because they don’t have enough time to make change possible. Game of Thrones Season 8 failed in this way. In the first 7 seasons, we watched the mother of dragons rise to power. Throughout her rise, her heart was always with the people, cared for the people. Then, in the second to last episode, she just suddenly flipped, and became evil as ever, burning a million people alive. It wasn’t believable. The writer knew, okay, last season, the mother of dragons needs to turn dark, and they crammed 3-4 seasons of character change into one. And the game of throne fans turned dark.

In Jurassic Park, Dr. Grant is introduced as someone who doesn’t like kids. Later on, he’s forced into taking care of two kids as they fight for their lives. Throughout that struggle, he gets to the end, wanting new kids of his own. He evolves.