This is a perfect show for background entertainment. Based in the afterlife, we follow four main characters who are adapting to their new life in heaven, while constantly reflecting over their life on Earth — what kind of person were they really during their time on earth? Many heavy topics are presented in a playful and light-hearted way.

If my girlfriend and I are lunching, this is our show of choice. The storylines are easy to follow. Commonly, the show will have a character experiencing something in the good place, while they remember and relive similar experiences back on earth. This creates constant reminders for who the character is and what we can expect them to do. Easy watching.

We get to watch them squirm around in uncomfortable situations. A DJ from Florida, upon arriving at the Good Place is told he was a Monk on Earth, who swore a vow of silence, knowing if he breaks character, he’ll be sent to the bad place. A moral philosopher is forced to teach an immoral person, at the risk of being caught and sent to the bad place. A beautiful elitist is told her soul mate is the Buddhist monk who she has nothing in common with. All of these secrets and fresh interactions make for great entertainment.

All that being said, the real reason I watch is Michael, the architect (god) of the Good Place, played by actor Ted Danson. Even with unlimited power, Michael is this lovable fumblely god that continually is stressed and overwhelmed. This Good Place is his life’s work. Motivated to create a new version of the afterlife, he’s constantly failing for trivial reasons.

Also, he finds unlimited pleasure in the stupid things humanity enjoys. He’ll have a bowl of paper clips just because they’re shinning and fun to grab a handful of and waterfall them back to the bowl. Or he’ll ensure every neighborhood has a frozen yogurt shop. “I’ve come to really like frozen yogurt,” he says. “There’s something so human about taking something great and ruining it a little so you can have more of it.” And he loves doing cliche human things, such as “I got to ride a bike. I put a coin in a thing and got a gum-ball. And then someone came up to me and said, ‘hot enough for ya?’, and you know what I said? I said, ‘tell me about it!’”

That’s my pitch. Even though there’s are so many good shows these days, very few of them I can watch mindlessly while still learning and enjoying. Thank you, Michael.